Our authors


The award-winning author of THE GODDESS OF DANCE, an installment in Arabian-style romantic fantasy series The Spirits of The Ancient Sands (2013 ForeWord Book of the Year Award) and MISTRESS OF THE SOLSTICE, a dark romantic fantasy based on Russian folklore (2014 Independent Publishers Book Award). A Russian-born author, she moved to the United States in 1994 and is combining writing with a successful career in biomedical research. She has published multiple novels in Russia, Germany, and the US. Her latest MAJAT CODE SERIES has been released in 2014 by Angry Robot Books (UK), with BLADES OF THE OLD EMPIRE (the Majat Code, book I) and THE GUILD OF ASSASSINS (the Majat Code, book II). You can learn more about Anna and her books at her web site and blog (www.annakashina.com).



Jonathan L. Ferrara was born in San Pedro, California to an Italian fisherman and a mother from New York. Growing up with one older brother, Jonathan had several hobbies: finding the best hiding spots to jump out and scare his mother, discovering new fantasy book series, and imagining outrageous, whimsical worlds full of magic. He is now happily married, residing in California in the City of Angels. He has two wonderful children-his dog Koda and cat Merlin.  His debut young adult urban fantasy THE BLACKWELL FAMILY SECRET: THE GUARDIANS OF SIN came out on December 5, 2014.

His author’s website is www.JonathanLFerrara.com

Greg Byrne author photo


Greg Byrne loved stories, words and languages as soon as he knew what crayons were for, and was writing with them all soon after. He recalls, quite distinctly, the place and time as a young boy when his heart opened in unexpected ways to the otherness of The Hobbit, and he spent his early years both reading Tolkien, Le Guin, Clarke, Lewis, Asimov, Moorcock, Herbert, McCaffreyand others and then trying to copy them. He also remembers the exact moment and place where the story of Nine Planets dropped, almost in its entirety, into his head in a ten minute period in late 2006 as he was teaching a class of ESL students in Perth. In between his other duties as a hus-band and father, university tutor and lecturer, an ESL teacher, and a grammar consultant, and in the littlefree time he has, he enjoys exploring places, ideas, history, languages and science, dinner with friends, watching his family grow, and living life’s great adventure.

Greg's debut science fiction thriller, NINE PLANETS, was released by Dragonwell Publishing on November 30, 2014. His next projects are a YA thriller with a twist, developing a gram-mar teaching system for schools, and writing a grammar text for ESL students.

He lives in Perth, Western Australia, with his beloved wife and family and an overweight British Blue.



R. S. A. Garcia is the author of LEX TALIONIS, a morally complex debut science fiction thriller. She lives and works on the island of Trinidad in the Caribbean with a large family and too many dogs–not that any of them belong to her. She decided to be an author when she discovered that Louisa May Alcott had been published at the age of 8. Determined to waste no more time, she finished her first collection of stories at 10. She has not stopped writing since, and indulged herself in a deep love of all speculative fiction despite the best advice of every English teacher she has ever had. She has just signed a contract for her debut novel and is working on others in between hyperventilating over edits.


has written three novels and multiple short stories. THE CHOCOLATIER’S WIFE — a romantic fantasy with a murder mystery and some chocolate on top — has been released in July by Dragonwell Publishing. In her other life she is an adept rapier fighter and often assumes the identity of a Rennaissance mystery woman. Her short stories and novellas will be published by Dragonwell Publishing in 2012 and early 2013, including A NECKLACE OF RUBIES — a sensuous and captivating take on the famous Bluebeard tale, upcoming in ONCE UPON A CURSE anthology that also features work by Peter Beagle, Nancy Kress, Patricia C Wrede, and other highly talented authors. You can learn more about Cindy at her web site www.apenandfire.com



writes poetry, horror, and science fiction. She is a Clarion workshop graduate and a winner of the Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in Poetry for her collection Chimeric Machines. Her collection Sparks and Shadows won the 2008 Editors’ Choice Black Quill Award for Best Dark Genre Collection. She is also the author of a humor collection Installing Linux on a Dead Badger. She writes a column for Horror World on science and technology for writers, and regularly contributes to Storytellers Unplugged. To date, she has made over 80 short fiction sales, over 50 poetry sales, and a bunch of nonfiction sales on topics ranging from faeries to medicinal botany to ethernet switches. She lives in Worthington, Ohio with her husband and co-author Gary A. Braunbeck. You can learn more about Lucy by visiting her web site www.lucysnyder.com.



is a legend of fantasy. He was raised in the Bronx, where he grew up surrounded by the arts and education: both his parents were teachers, three of his uncles were world-renowned gallery painters, and his immigrant grandfather was a respected writer, in Hebrew, of Jewish fiction and folktales. As a child Peter used to sit by himself in the stairwell of apartment building he lived in, staring at the mailboxes across the way and making up stories to entertain himself. Today, thanks to classics like The Last Unicorn, A Fine and Private Place, and “Two Hearts,” he is a living icon of fantasy fiction. In addition to eight novels and over one hundred pieces of short fiction, Peter has written many teleplays and screenplays (including the animated versions of The Lord of the Rings and The Last Unicorn); six nonfiction books (among them the classic travel memoir I See By My Outfit); the libretto for one opera; and more than seventy published poems and songs. He currently makes his home in Oakland, California.


is the author of thirty books, including fantasy and SF novels, four collections of short stories, and three books on writing. For sixteen years she was also the “Fiction” columnist for WRITERS DIGEST magazine. She is perhaps best known for the “Sleepless” trilogy that began with BEGGARS IN SPAIN. Her work has won four Nebulas, two Hugos, a Sturgeon, and the John W. Campbell Award. Most recent books are a collection, FOUNTAIN OF AGE AND OTHER STORIES (Small Beer Press, 2012), a YA SF novel, FLASH POINT (Viking, fall, 2012); and a short novel of eco-terror, BEFORE THE FALL, DURING THE FALL, AFTER THE FALL (Tachyon, 2012). Kress lives in Seattle with her husband, SF writer Jack Skillingstead, and Cosette, the world’s most spoiled toy poodle.



was born in Chicago, Illinois and is the eldest of five children. She started writing in seventh grade and began work on her first novel, Shadow Magic, just after graduating from college in 1974. In January, 1980, she co-founded the writer’s group that later became known as “The Scribblies.” In April of 1980 Shadow Magic, sold to Ace Books. In 1985, shortly before the publication of her fifth book, she became a full-time writer. She lives in Minnesota with her two cats. In addition to writing books, Patricia enjoys sewing, embroidery, desultory attempts at gardening, chocolate, not mowing the lawn, High Tea, and, of course, reading.



grew up in Canada and (briefly) Saudi Arabia, where she developed a taste for international travel that will no doubt serve her well in her villainous quest for world domination. She is a Clarion workshop graduate and an English professor at the University of Delaware. Her fiction has been published in magazines like Realms of Fantasy, On Spec, and Son & Foe and has earned multiple honorable mentions from the Year’s Best anthologies of fantasy, science fiction, and horror.



her favorite stories are those that ignore biology, reality and the known laws of nature. She writes romantic fantasy and science fiction, and makes liberal use of the substance known as handwavium. She lives near Sherwood Forest in England, with her partner and their two teenage daughters. Imogen has published several novels and short stories. In the virtual world, she can be found at her website www.imogenhowson.com, blog imogenhowson.com/blog, Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/imogenhowsonauthor, and Twitter twitter.com/imogenhowson. She loves to hear from readers and can be contacted at imogenhowson@gmail.com.



W. B. J. Williams, the author of THE GARDEN AT THE ROOF OF THE WORLD, holds advanced degrees in anthropology and archeology. He is an avid historian, mystic, poet, and author who manages an information security program at a prominent New England start-up. He is noted for his bad puns, and willingness to argue from any perspective. He is endured by his beloved wife and two daughters, and lives in Sharon Massachusetts. When he is not at home or at his computer, he can often be found haunting the various used bookstores of Boston.

He maintains several web sites where one can learn more about different facets of his life:

renakuzar.livejournal.com (Writing Journal)
renakuzar.blogspot.com (Poetry Journal)
laedain.livejournal.com (Spiritual Journal)
wbjwilliams.livejournal.com (Professional Journal)



John Lawson is a software engineer working as a principal technical writer for one of the largest software company. His Arthurian dark fantasy, THE LOATHLY LADY, came out from Dragonwell Publishing in 2013. His thrilling fantasy mystery, SORROW, is released in 2014. He lives in Southern California with his wife and two children.


Persephone D’Shaun

Persephone is a doctoral candidate in anthropology who loves incorporating her research interests into stories. A graduate of Clarion West 2009, she is currently toiling away at her dissertation somewhere in the Midwest, with dreams of spending more time writing fiction on the horizon. When not pursuing her academic goals, Persephone can be found obliterating enemies in her favorite mobile games or listening to her favorite murder podcasts.


Ben Loory

Ben Loory is the author of the collections TALES OF FALLING AND FLYING and STORIES FOR NIGHTTIME AND SOME FOR THE DAY, both from Penguin Books. His fables and tales have appeared in The New Yorker, BOMB Magazine, Electric Literature, and Fairy Tale Review, and been heard on This American Life and Selected Shorts.


Michael Swanwick

Michael Swanwick has received a Hugo Award for fiction in an unprecedented five out of six consecutive years and has been honored with the Nebula, Theodore Sturgeon, and World Fantasy Awards. He has the pleasant distinction of losing more of those awards than any other writer in the history of the field. He has written ten novels, over 150 stories, and countless works of flash fiction. Last summer, Tor Books published THE IRON DRAGON’S MOTHER which completes a trilogy of stand-alone fantasies begun twenty-five years earlier with THE IRON DRAGON’S DAUGHTER. Swanwick lives in Philadelphia with his wife, Marianne Porter.


Andy Duncan

Photo by Scott Edelman

Andy Duncan’s fiction honors include a Nebula Award, a Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award and three World Fantasy Awards, the most recent for Wakulla Springs, a 2013 Tor.com novella co-written with Ellen Klages. His third collection, An Agent of Utopia: New and Selected Stories, was published in 2018 by Small Beer Press. A South Carolina native and Clarion West graduate, he teaches writing in the Maryland mountains at Frostburg State University, which promoted him to full professor in 2019.


Curtis C. Chen

Once a Silicon Valley software engineer, Curtis C. Chen (陳致宇) now writes speculative fiction and runs puzzle games near Portland, Oregon. His debut novel Waypoint Kangaroo (a 2017 Locus Awards Finalist) is a science fiction spy thriller about a superpowered secret agent facing his toughest mission yet: vacation. Curtis' short stories have appeared in Playboy Magazine, Daily Science Fiction, and Oregon Reads Aloud. He is a graduate of the Clarion West and Viable Paradise writers' workshops. You can find Curtis at Puzzled Pint on the second Tuesday of most every month.


Darrell Schweitzer

Darrell Schweitzer is a writer, editor, and essayist in the field of speculative fiction. Much of his focus has been on dark fantasy and horror, although he does also work in science fiction and fantasy. Schweitzer is also a prolific writer of literary criticism and editor of collections of essays on various writers within his preferred genres.


Imogen Howson

Imogen Howson writes fantasy romance and all types of speculative fiction for young adults. Her debut YA novel, LINKED, which Booklist called “a roller-coaster ride into space that just about everyone should enjoy” and BCCB described as “space-travel adventure at its best”, won the YA category in the Romantic Novel of the Year 2014, and she is the winner of the Elizabeth Goudge Award 2008 and 2017. Imogen lives near Cambridge in the UK. When she’s not writing or freelance copyediting, she bakes, runs, drinks coffee, and looks after a household of a vicar, two young adults, three cats, and two tiny dogs. She loves to hear from readers.


Edwina Harvey

Edwina Harvey is an Australian SF & Fantasy writer and editor. Her books The Whale's Tale, The Back of the Back of Beyond, and An Eclectic Collection of Stuff and Things, and her novelette, Never Forget, were published by Peggy Bright Books. She has edited Lex Talionis by RSA Garcia, The Chocolatier's Ghost by Cindy Lynn Speer and Ashammet Desert Born by Terry Jackman for Dragonwell Publishing. Edwina's other interests include silk painting, making ceramic art, and watching Marx Brothers movies on rainy afternoons.


Nancy Kress

Photo by Lisa Trombi

Nancy Kress is the author of thirty-six books, including twenty-eight novels, four collections of short stories, and three books on writing.  Her work has won six Nebulas, two Hugos, a Sturgeon, and the John W. Campbell Memorial Award.  Much of her fiction concerns genetic engineering.  Her most recent works are SEA CHANGE (Tachyon, 2020), a controversial novella about GMOs, and  a galaxy-spanning space opera, THE ELEVENTH GATE (Baen, 2020).  Kress’s fiction has been translated into more than two dozen languages, including Klingon, none of which she can read.  In addition to writing, Kress often teaches at various venues around the country and abroad, including a visiting lectureship at the University of Leipzig, a 2017 writing class in Beijing, and the annual intensive workshop Tao Toolbox, which she teaches every summer with Walter Jon Williams.  She lives in Seattle with her husband, writer Jack Skillingstead.


Avram Davidson

Avram Davidson (1923-1993) is an author of nineteen published novels and more than two hundred short stories and essays collected in more than a dozen books. He won a Hugo Award and three World Fantasy Awards in the science fiction and fantasy genre, a World Fantasy Life Achievement award, and a Queen's Award and an Edgar Award in the mystery genre. Davidson edited The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction from 1962 to 1964. His last novel The Boss in the Wall: A Treatise on the House Devil was completed by Grania Davis and was a Nebula Award finalist in 1998. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction says "he is perhaps sf's most explicitly literary author".


J.M. Sidorova

J.M. Sidorova is a Russian-born American biomedical scientist and author of speculative fiction. Her novel THE AGE OF ICE (Scribner/Simon & Schuster) was featured in Locus Magazine's recommended reading list, and received an honorable mention on Tor.com’s best fiction of 2013 list. J.M.'s short stories appeared in Clarkesworld, Asimov's, Abyss and Apex, and other venues. Her most recent short fiction can be found in the SCIENCE FICTION BY SCIENTISTS anthology (Springer, 2016) and Gordon Van Gelder’s anthology WELCOME TO DYSTOPIA (OR books, 2018). J.M. is a graduate of the Clarion West workshop.

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